How to send a comment...

 If you want to send a comment about my site or about Debby Ryan contact me at If you want to know more about this site please visit the site page! thx! :)

Now please enjoy the following comments!!!


     Age 10, TX

I love Debby shes the best and this is the best fansite for her ever!


   Age 7, Tx

I just heard of Debby Ryan the other day and now shes my favorite actress and she rox my sox off!!!!!!


    Age 13, Tx

I just met Debby on mypraize and she is the sweetest person ever!


     Age 9, DC

 Thank you sooooooooooo much for making this site becuz debby is my fave actress eva and this is like the only place that has a lot of pix of her becuz she just came out!


    Age 9, TX

GO DEBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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